Extract random effects from a ubmsFit model. Note that this function works like ranef for merMod objects from lme4, not like ranef for unmarkedFit objects. To get functionality similar to that of unmarkedFit, use posterior_predict.

# S4 method for class 'ubmsFit'
ranef(object, submodel, summary = FALSE, add_mean = TRUE, ...)



A fitted model of class ubmsFit


The name of the submodel, as a character string, for which to generate the random effects


If TRUE, calculate mean, SD, and 95 for each random effect term


If TRUE (the default) add the overall intercept or slope mean and return the complete random intercept or slope.


Currently ignored


If summary=FALSE, a list of random effect values; if TRUE, a data frame with columns for random effect mean, SD, and 95


Note: by default this function adds the overall intercept or slope to the (mean-0) random effect to get the complete random intercept or slope. In this way the output is more like the output of lme4::coef and not lme4::ranef. You can turn this off and return just the mean-0 random effect by setting argument add_mean = FALSE.

If you run ranef on a submodel with a spatial random effect, the function will return estimates of parameter eta.