This function fits a single season occupancy model using count data.
psiformula = ~1, lambdaformula = ~1,
psistarts, lambdastarts, starts,
method = "BFGS", se = TRUE,
engine = c("C", "R"), na.rm = TRUE,
return.negloglik = NULL, L1 = FALSE, ...)
An unmarkedFrameOccuCOP
object created with the unmarkedFrameOccuCOP
Formula describing the occupancy covariates.
Formula describing the detection covariates.
Vector of starting values for likelihood maximisation with optim
for occupancy probability \(\psi\). These values must be logit-transformed (with qlogis
) (see details). By default, optimisation will start at 0, corresponding to an occupancy probability of 0.5 (plogis(0)
is 0.5).
Vector of starting values for likelihood maximisation with optim
for detection rate \(\lambda\). These values must be log-transformed (with log
) (see details). By default, optimisation will start at 0, corresponding to detection rate of 1 (exp(0)
is 1).
Vector of starting values for likelihood maximisation with optim
. If psistarts
and lambdastarts
are provided, starts = c(psistarts, lambdastarts)
Optimisation method used by optim
Logical specifying whether to compute (se=TRUE
) standard errors or not (se=FALSE
Code to use for optimisation. Either "C"
for fast C++ code, or "R"
for native R code.
Logical specifying whether to fit the model (na.rm=TRUE
) or not (na.rm=FALSE
) if there are NAs in the unmarkedFrameOccuCOP
A list of vectors of parameters (c(psiparams, lambdaparams)
). If specified, the function will not maximise likelihood but return the negative log-likelihood for the those parameters in the nll
column of a dataframe. See an example below.
Logical specifying whether the length of observations (L
) are purposefully set to 1 (L1=TRUE
) or not (L1=FALSE
Additional arguments to pass to optim
, such as lower and upper bounds or a list of control parameters.
See unmarkedFrameOccuCOP
for a description of how to supply data to the data
argument. See unmarkedFrame
for a more general documentation of unmarkedFrame
objects for the different models implemented in unmarked.
fits a single season occupancy model using count data, as described in Pautrel et al. (2023).
The occupancy sub-model is:
$$z_i \sim \text{Bernoulli}(\psi_i)$$
With \(z_i\) the occupany state of site \(i\). \(z_i=1\) if site \(i\) is occupied by the species, i.e. if the species is present in site \(i\). \(z_i=0\) if site \(i\) is not occupied.
With \(\psi_i\) the occupancy probability of site \(i\).
The observation sub-model is:
$$ N_{ij} | z_i = 1 \sim \text{Poisson}(\lambda_{ij} L_{ij}) \\ N_{ij} | z_i = 0 \sim 0 $$
With \(N_{ij}\) the count of detection events in site \(i\) during observation \(j\).
With \(\lambda_{ij}\) the detection rate in site \(i\) during observation \(j\) (for example, 1 detection per day.).
With \(L_{ij}\) the length of observation \(j\) in site \(i\) (for example, 7 days.).
What we call "observation" (\(j\)) here can be a sampling occasion, a transect, a discretised session. Consequently, the unit of \(\lambda_{ij}\) and \(L_{ij}\) can be either a time-unit (day, hour, ...) or a space-unit (kilometer, meter, ...).
In order to perform unconstrained optimisation, parameters are transformed.
The occupancy probability (\(\psi\)) is transformed with the logit function (psi_transformed = qlogis(psi)
). It can be back-transformed with the "inverse logit" function (psi = plogis(psi_transformed)
The detection rate (\(\lambda\)) is transformed with the log function (lambda_transformed = log(lambda)
). It can be back-transformed with the exponential function (lambda = exp(lambda_transformed)
object describing the model fit. See the unmarkedFit
Pautrel, L., Moulherat, S., Gimenez, O. & Etienne, M.-P. Submitted. Analysing biodiversity observation data collected in continuous time: Should we use discrete or continuous-time occupancy models? Preprint at doi:10.1101/2023.11.17.567350 .
options(max.print = 50)
# We simulate data in 100 sites with 3 observations of 7 days per site.
nSites <- 100
nObs <- 3
# For an occupancy covariate, we associate each site to a land-use category.
landuse <- sample(factor(c("Forest", "Grassland", "City"), ordered = TRUE),
size = nSites, replace = TRUE)
simul_psi <- ifelse(landuse == "Forest", 0.8,
ifelse(landuse == "Grassland", 0.4, 0.1))
z <- rbinom(n = nSites, size = 1, prob = simul_psi)
# For a detection covariate, we create a fake wind variable.
wind <- matrix(rexp(n = nSites * nObs), nrow = nSites, ncol = nObs)
simul_lambda <- wind / 5
L = matrix(7, nrow = nSites, ncol = nObs)
# We now simulate count detection data
y <- matrix(rpois(n = nSites * nObs, lambda = simul_lambda * L),
nrow = nSites, ncol = nObs) * z
# We create our unmarkedFrameOccuCOP object
umf <- unmarkedFrameOccuCOP(
y = y,
L = L,
siteCovs = data.frame("landuse" = landuse),
obsCovs = list("wind" = wind)
#> Data frame representation of unmarkedFrame object.
#> y.1 y.2 y.3 L.1 L.2 L.3 landuse wind.1 wind.2 wind.3
#> 1 0 0 0 7 7 7 City 3.46359489 0.3615751 1.27416223
#> 2 3 2 0 7 7 7 City 1.27402772 0.9609442 0.62460966
#> 3 0 0 0 7 7 7 City 1.08148515 0.6631372 0.09404684
#> 4 0 0 0 7 7 7 Grassland 0.29695916 1.5776374 0.38352803
#> 5 0 0 0 7 7 7 City 0.08416073 1.9224809 0.17492273
#> [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 95 rows ]
# We fit our model without covariates
fitNull <- occuCOP(data = umf)
#> Call:
#> occuCOP(data = umf)
#> Occupancy probability (logit-scale):
#> Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
#> -0.377 0.207 -1.82 0.0683
#> Detection rate (log-scale):
#> Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
#> -1.64 0.0805 -20.4 4.11e-92
#> AIC: 320.7247
#> Number of sites: 100
# We fit our model with covariates
fitCov <- occuCOP(data = umf, psiformula = ~ landuse, lambdaformula = ~ wind)
#> Call:
#> occuCOP(data = umf, psiformula = ~landuse, lambdaformula = ~wind)
#> Occupancy probability (logit-scale):
#> Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -0.417 0.268 -1.56 1.19e-01
#> landuse.L 1.073 0.461 2.33 1.98e-02
#> landuse.Q -1.986 0.461 -4.31 1.66e-05
#> Detection rate (log-scale):
#> Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -2.520 0.178 -14.2 1.16e-45
#> wind 0.651 0.088 7.4 1.41e-13
#> AIC: 262.6408
#> Number of sites: 100
# We back-transform the parameter's estimates
## Back-transformed occupancy probability with no covariates
predict(fitNull, "psi")[1,]
#> Predicted SE lower upper
#> 1 0.4068805 0.04988546 0.3138839 0.5070673
## Back-transformed occupancy probability depending on habitat use
newdata = data.frame("landuse" = c("Forest", "Grassland", "City")),
appendData = TRUE)
#> Predicted SE lower upper landuse
#> 1 0.65848269 0.10390413 0.43806132 0.8266564 Forest
#> 2 0.08296593 0.04043091 0.03094064 0.2040496 Grassland
#> 3 0.39724666 0.06412076 0.28053391 0.5269522 City
## Back-transformed detection rate with no covariates
predict(fitNull, "lambda")[1,]
#> Predicted SE lower upper
#> 1 0.1942772 0.01563752 0.1659235 0.2274761
## Back-transformed detection rate depending on wind
appendData = TRUE)
#> Predicted SE lower upper y.1 y.2 y.3 landuse wind.1
#> 1 0.7660928 0.12844196 0.55153136 1.0641247 0 0 0 City 3.4635949
#> 2 0.1017691 0.01527607 0.07583087 0.1365795 3 2 0 City 1.2740277
#> 3 0.1842991 0.01719451 0.15350016 0.2212776 0 0 0 City 1.0814852
#> 4 0.1842830 0.01719408 0.15348497 0.2212608 0 0 0 Grassland 0.2969592
#> wind.2 wind.3
#> 1 0.3615751 1.27416223
#> 2 0.9609442 0.62460966
#> 3 0.6631372 0.09404684
#> 4 1.5776374 0.38352803
#> [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 296 rows ]
## This is not easily readable. We can show the results in a clearer way, by:
## - adding the site and observation
## - printing only the wind covariate used to get the predicted lambda
"site" = rep(1:nSites, each = nObs),
"observation" = rep(1:nObs, times = nSites),
"wind" = getData(fitCov)@obsCovs
predict(fitCov, "lambda", appendData = FALSE)
#> site observation wind Predicted SE lower upper
#> 1 1 1 3.4635949 0.7660928 0.12844196 0.55153136 1.0641247
#> 2 1 2 0.3615751 0.1017691 0.01527607 0.07583087 0.1365795
#> 3 1 3 1.2741622 0.1842991 0.01719451 0.15350016 0.2212776
#> 4 2 1 1.2740277 0.1842830 0.01719408 0.15348497 0.2212608
#> 5 2 2 0.9609442 0.1503157 0.01646401 0.12127535 0.1863099
#> 6 2 3 0.6246097 0.1207681 0.01584938 0.09337750 0.1561933
#> 7 3 1 1.0814852 0.1625813 0.01669911 0.13293567 0.1988380
#> [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 293 rows ]
# We can choose the initial parameters when fitting our model.
# For psi, intituively, the initial value can be the proportion of sites
# in which we have observations.
(psi_init <- mean(rowSums(y) > 0))
#> [1] 0.4
# For lambda, the initial value can be the mean count of detection events
# in sites in which there was at least one observation.
(lambda_init <- mean(y[rowSums(y) > 0, ]))
#> [1] 1.383333
# We have to transform them.
data = umf,
psiformula = ~ 1,
lambdaformula = ~ 1,
psistarts = qlogis(psi_init),
lambdastarts = log(lambda_init)
#> Call:
#> occuCOP(data = umf, psiformula = ~1, lambdaformula = ~1, psistarts = qlogis(psi_init),
#> lambdastarts = log(lambda_init))
#> Occupancy probability (logit-scale):
#> Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
#> -0.377 0.207 -1.82 0.0683
#> Detection rate (log-scale):
#> Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
#> -1.64 0.0805 -20.4 4.11e-92
#> AIC: 320.7247
#> Number of sites: 100
# If we have covariates, we need to have the right length for the start vectors.
# psi ~ landuse --> 3 param to estimate: Intercept, landuseForest, landuseGrassland
# lambda ~ wind --> 2 param to estimate: Intercept, wind
data = umf,
psiformula = ~ landuse,
lambdaformula = ~ wind,
psistarts = rep(qlogis(psi_init), 3),
lambdastarts = rep(log(lambda_init), 2)
#> Call:
#> occuCOP(data = umf, psiformula = ~landuse, lambdaformula = ~wind,
#> psistarts = rep(qlogis(psi_init), 3), lambdastarts = rep(log(lambda_init),
#> 2))
#> Occupancy probability (logit-scale):
#> Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -0.416 0.268 -1.55 1.20e-01
#> landuse.L 1.074 0.460 2.33 1.96e-02
#> landuse.Q -1.984 0.461 -4.30 1.68e-05
#> Detection rate (log-scale):
#> Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -2.520 0.178 -14.18 1.18e-45
#> wind 0.651 0.088 7.39 1.43e-13
#> AIC: 262.6408
#> Number of sites: 100
# And with covariates, we could have chosen better initial values, such as the
# proportion of sites in which we have observations per land-use category.
(psi_init_covs <- c(
"City" = mean(rowSums(y[landuse == "City", ]) > 0),
"Forest" = mean(rowSums(y[landuse == "Forest", ]) > 0),
"Grassland" = mean(rowSums(y[landuse == "Grassland", ]) > 0)
#> City Forest Grassland
#> 0.1142857 0.7272727 0.3750000
data = umf,
psiformula = ~ landuse,
lambdaformula = ~ wind,
psistarts = qlogis(psi_init_covs))
#> Call:
#> occuCOP(data = umf, psiformula = ~landuse, lambdaformula = ~wind,
#> psistarts = qlogis(psi_init_covs))
#> Occupancy probability (logit-scale):
#> Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -0.416 0.268 -1.55 1.20e-01
#> landuse.L 1.074 0.460 2.33 1.96e-02
#> landuse.Q -1.984 0.461 -4.30 1.68e-05
#> Detection rate (log-scale):
#> Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -2.520 0.178 -14.18 1.18e-45
#> wind 0.651 0.088 7.39 1.43e-13
#> AIC: 262.6408
#> Number of sites: 100
# We can fit our model with a different optimisation algorithm.
occuCOP(data = umf, method = "Nelder-Mead")
#> Call:
#> occuCOP(data = umf, method = "Nelder-Mead")
#> Occupancy probability (logit-scale):
#> Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
#> -0.377 0.207 -1.82 0.0684
#> Detection rate (log-scale):
#> Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
#> -1.64 0.0805 -20.4 4.12e-92
#> AIC: 320.7247
#> Number of sites: 100
# We can run our model with a C++ or with a R likelihood function.
## They give the same result.
occuCOP(data = umf, engine = "C", psistarts = 0, lambdastarts = 0)
#> Call:
#> occuCOP(data = umf, psistarts = 0, lambdastarts = 0, engine = "C")
#> Occupancy probability (logit-scale):
#> Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
#> -0.377 0.207 -1.82 0.0683
#> Detection rate (log-scale):
#> Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
#> -1.64 0.0805 -20.4 4.11e-92
#> AIC: 320.7247
#> Number of sites: 100
occuCOP(data = umf, engine = "R", psistarts = 0, lambdastarts = 0)
#> Call:
#> occuCOP(data = umf, psistarts = 0, lambdastarts = 0, engine = "R")
#> Occupancy probability (logit-scale):
#> Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
#> -0.377 0.207 -1.82 0.0683
#> Detection rate (log-scale):
#> Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
#> -1.64 0.0805 -20.4 4.11e-92
#> AIC: 320.7247
#> Number of sites: 100
## The C++ (the default) is faster.
system.time(occuCOP(data = umf, engine = "C", psistarts = 0, lambdastarts = 0))
#> user system elapsed
#> 0.005 0.000 0.004
system.time(occuCOP(data = umf, engine = "R", psistarts = 0, lambdastarts = 0))
#> user system elapsed
#> 0.018 0.000 0.018
## However, if you want to understand how the likelihood is calculated,
## you can easily access the R likelihood function.
print(occuCOP(data = umf, engine = "R", psistarts = 0, lambdastarts = 0)@nllFun)
#> function (params)
#> {
#> psi <- plogis(Xpsi %*% params[psiIdx])
#> lambda <- exp(Xlambda %*% params[lambdaIdx])
#> if (length(sitesRemoved) > 0) {
#> siteAnalysed = (1:M)[-sitesRemoved]
#> }
#> else {
#> siteAnalysed = (1:M)
#> }
#> iProb <- rep(NA, M)
#> for (i in siteAnalysed) {
#> iIdxall <- ((i - 1) * J + 1):(i * J)
#> iIdx = iIdxall[!removed_obsvec[iIdxall]]
#> if (SitesWithDetec[i]) {
#> iProb[i] = psi[i] * ((sum(lambda[iIdx] * Lvec[iIdx]))^sum(yvec[iIdx])/factorial(sum(yvec[iIdx])) *
#> exp(-sum(lambda[iIdx] * Lvec[iIdx])))
#> }
#> else {
#> iProb[i] = psi[i] * exp(-sum(lambda[iIdx] * Lvec[iIdx])) +
#> (1 - psi[i])
#> }
#> }
#> ll = sum(log(iProb[siteAnalysed]))
#> return(-ll)
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x5d9fb7d0e018>
#> <environment: 0x5d9fba779228>
# Finally, if you do not want to fit your model but only get the likelihood,
# you can get the negative log-likelihood for a given set of parameters.
occuCOP(data = umf, return.negloglik = list(
c("psi" = qlogis(0.25), "lambda" = log(2)),
c("psi" = qlogis(0.5), "lambda" = log(1)),
c("psi" = qlogis(0.75), "lambda" = log(0.5))
#> logit(psi).(Intercept) log(lambda).(Intercept) nll
#> 1 -1.098612 0.6931472 1294.2149
#> 2 0.000000 0.0000000 565.8794
#> 3 1.098612 -0.6931472 286.3071