Organize detection/non-detection data and covariates for use with the community occupancy model
unmarkedFrameOccuComm(y, siteCovs = NULL, obsCovs = NULL, speciesCovs = NULL)
The detection-nondetection data for multiple species. This data may be in one of two forms: either a named list of S M x J matrices (M = sites, J = occasions, S = species) or an M x J x S array.
A data.frame
of covariates that vary at the
site level. This should have M rows and one column per covariate.
Either a named list of data.frame
s of
covariates that vary within sites, or a data.frame
M x J rows in site-major order.
Covariates that also vary by species. This must be provided as a named list. Each list element can have one of three possible dimensions: a vector of length S (e.g., mean species body mass); a matrix M x S (covariates that vary by site and species); or an array M x J x S (covariates that vary by site, occasion, and species).
an object of class unmarkedFrameOccuComm
# Simulate some multispecies data
nsite <- 300
nocc <- 5
nsp <- 30
# Create a site by species covariate
x <- matrix(rnorm(nsite*nsp), nsite, nsp)
mu_0 <- 0
sd_0 <- 0.4
beta0 <- rnorm(nsp, mu_0, sd_0)
mu_x <- 1
sd_x <- 0.3
beta_x <- rnorm(nsp, mu_x, sd_x)
mu_a <- 0
sd_a <- 0.2
alpha0 <- rnorm(nsp, mu_a, sd_a)
ylist <- list()
z <- matrix(NA, nsite, nsp)
for (s in 1:nsp){
psi <- plogis(beta0[s] + beta_x[s] * x[,s])
z[,s] <- rbinom(nsite, 1, psi)
p <- plogis(alpha0[s])
y <- matrix(NA, nsite, nocc)
for (m in 1:nsite){
y[m,] <- rbinom(nocc, 1, p * z[m,s])
ylist[[s]] <- y
names(ylist) <- paste0("sp", sprintf("%02d", 1:nsp))
sc <- data.frame(a=factor(sample(letters[1:5], nsite, replace=TRUE)))
# Species covs need to be a list of named elements
spc <- list(x = x)
umf <- unmarkedFrameOccuComm(ylist, sc, speciesCovs = spc)
#> unmarkedFrameOccuComm Object
#> 300 sites
#> 30 species
#> Maximum number of observations per site: 5
#> Mean number of observations per site: 5
#> Sites with at least one detection, quantiles by species:
#> 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
#> 104.00 130.25 142.50 171.00 208.00
#> Site-level covariates:
#> a
#> a:64
#> b:59
#> c:57
#> d:68
#> e:52
#> Species-level covariates:
#> List of 1
#> $ x: num [1:300, 1:30] -0.5605 -0.2302 1.5587 0.0705 0.1293 ...