A list of power analyses created with powerAnalysis can be combined using unmarkedPowerList, allowing comparison e.g. between different study designs/sample sizes. A series of methods for unmarkedPowerList objects are available including a plot method.

# S4 method for class 'unmarkedPower'
unmarkedPowerList(object, ...)
# S4 method for class 'unmarkedPowerList'
# S4 method for class 'unmarkedPowerList'
summary(object, showIntercepts = FALSE, ...)
# S4 method for class 'unmarkedPowerList,ANY'
plot(x, power=NULL, param=NULL, ...)



For unmarkedPowerList, an unmarkedPower object. For show, summary, plot, an unmarkedPowerList object.


Show intercepts output? This is rarely useful.


If specified, adds a dotted line to the plot at this target power value.


When plotting, the model parameter to plot power vs. sample size for. By default this is the first parameter.


For unmarkedPowerList, other unmarkedPower objects to combine into the list.


A unmarkedPowerList object, a summary of the object in the console, or a summary plot, depending on the method


Ken Kellner contact@kenkellner.com

See also


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

# Build unmarkedFrame
umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y = matrix(NA, 300, 8),
                         siteCovs = data.frame(elev=rnorm(300)))

# Run power analyses
cf <- list(state = c(0, -0.4), det = 0)
pa1 <- powerAnalysis(umf, model=occu, formula=~1~elev, effects=cf)
pa2 <- powerAnalysis(umf[1:100,], model=occu, formula=~1~elev, effects=cf)

# Combine them into a list
(pl <- unmarkedPowerList(pa1, pa2))

# Look at summary plot for elev effect
plot(pl, power=0.8, param='elev')

} # }